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To Viagra or "Not" To Viagra!

Recently at one of our girl’s night out functions, a close friend broke down and revealed that her man was experiencing difficulties with "Erectile Dysfunction" and wanted to know what she should do about her man’s impotence. She states that no matter what she does he can’t maintain an erection.

This led to an in-depth conversation about the sexual performances of men.
Most women have encountered men with some type of sexual problem at some point.
A man’s age is inconsequential in determining whether or not a man will experience some form of an erectile dysfunction. I know this from firsthand experience because it was the cause of the demise of my first marriage.

Men have it harder than women do because they have to be able to perform. For a woman its different . . . we can be stressed, not feeling well, and all we have to do is grab the lubricant and its all good!
Men can’t fake it or force themselves to perform and there are many factors that contribute to impotence; stress, illness, and fatigue, are just a few of those factors.
Oftentimes, women are quick to blame themselves for her man’s shortcoming. She may think that maybe he is not attracted to her anymore, or maybe he’s having an affair. READ MORE...
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