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Revenge (The Big Payback)

The ultimate betrayal is infidelity. Being jilted by a lover can make you want to crawl under a rock and hide. Some women experience extreme depression and withdraw from the outside world. Some become so withdrawn they can't eat or sleep.
For some women its just the opposite; they turn to food for comfort and overeat. Some may retreat to their beds and may not emerge for weeks. Your self-esteem is at an all time low, but after agonizing over what has happened, and your newly single status, there will come a point when grief and sadness will give way to overwhelming rage.

During this time we can spend hours, days, weeks, plotting and planning our exes downfall. Some women will do just about anything to get back at him. While some women settle for the personal satisfaction of throwing a brick through the windshield of his brand new Range Rover as its parked outside his new woman's house at 2 am, others will take it a step further and report him to the IRS for tax evasion.

Jessica was tireless in her pursuit of revenge. She was consumed by her quest for payback. She would take days off work and drive hours to stake out her exes new woman's home.
Jessica had been with her man for six years. When she met him he was in a committed relationship with his live-in girlfriend.

For six years Jessica has been content to be "the other woman" but recently her man had been displaying "suspicious behavior." He began not returning phone calls, breaking dates, and not spending the time he usually spent with her.
During one of Jessica's snoop escapades, (opening his mail) she discovered her man had recently purchased a vehicle which he wasn't driving.
Now comes the dilemma! Who was driving his car?

Jessica knew that her man was known for buying vehicles for his women. He'd previously bought one for his current live-in girlfriend and also during their relationship he had purchased a vehicle for her.
So now she was on a fact finding mission. She had the year, make and model of this phantom vehicle but she had to find out who was driving it. By going online and creating an account through his wireless
provider, she began checking his phone records. Wouldn't you know it? There was one number that showed up consistently.
By going online and doing a reverse search, she tracked the woman name and address. Hence began the stake outs. Last I heard she was still there...

Revenge, although it seems like a good idea at the time; takes up too much time and too much energy. In order to recover, it is necessary to release the hurt and anger caused by a betrayl, but at some point you have to learn how to get over it.

If a man decides he doesn't want to be with you any longer, have some dignity; know that you shouldn't want to be with someone who doesn't want to be with you. Acting like an alley-cat only makes him realize he made the right decision by leaving you alone.

Take Jessica for instance, her life is consumed with investigating what she already knows to be true. "He cheated with you, he'll cheat on you."
Until you let go of obsessive behavior you can never move forward in life. When you allow yourself to get over it, move on without him and become a better person because of it. Now comes your revenge.
The greatest revenge is success!

Copyright (c) 2006 Glenda A. Wallace ~ I Need Therapy


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