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How to Get the Man "You" Want to Marry You!

Sounds too good to be true? Well it’s not!
There is a misconception that men naturally resist commitment. The truth is most men are not commitment phobic. I have never met a man who wouldn’t commit, yet I receive emails daily from women asking for advice on how to convince their man to commit.

I get very different reactions from men and women when I tell them I have been married five times and I’ve also had 18 marriage proposals.
Most men are intrigued; they want to know what it is about me that made five men want to make me their wife.
Women are curious; they want to know what I did and how I did it, in order to get five men to make a commitment to marriage. READ MORE...
I often hear from women who say, "I can’t get one man to marry me, and you’ve had five! Is there something wrong with me? Is there something I’m not doing right?"

Just because you’re not married and have never been proposed to, doesn’t mean that there is something wrong with you. You may not be aware of what men are looking for when selecting a wife. Half the time, men don’t know what they are looking for in a wife until it’s staring them in the face.

The truth is, most men are not commitment phobic. Fact is, a man will commit when he finds what he’s looking for. He may be with you, but may not want a life long commitment with you. Whereas, he may break up with you and marry the next woman he gets involved with.
I didn’t get five husbands and 18 marriage proposals because I’m cute . . . in fact, I’m quite ordinary in the look’s department.

The men that I’ve been in relationships with usually start discussing marriage within the first three months, without me ever bringing up the subject, dropping hints, or leaving wedding planner guides on the coffee table.
My friends always asked me, "how was I doing it?" Getting a man to commit was never easy for some of them until they used the principles in my book (I Need Therapy) to change their way of thinking. Now most of them are happily married as well!

The key to getting a man to want to make you his wife is quite simple. You must be the woman he wants to marry. You must possess those qualities that he’s looking to find in a wife.

He needs to feel that by getting married to you his life will ultimately improve. Therefore, you need to provide a benefit for him that he wouldn’t have without you.

So, if you’re looking for commitment or marriage, you must be the woman he’s looking for, and you do this by simply working on you. This does not mean to change who you are, and become someone you’re not, but if what you’re doing is not working, then try something different!
In order for a man to see the good in you, someone he’d want to make his wife and share the rest of his life with, you must first see it in yourself. Men are attracted to confident, sexy women. When you love yourself, it shows in everything that you do.

There are several key elements that a man looks for in a wife, (they are all outlined in detail in my book) but the most important thing that will almost always guarantee a husband, is to make your man feel like the man, which for them is the greatest feeling in the world . . . to be recognized and appreciated for who they are, MEN!
You have to know what he wants and needs, and sometimes in order to achieve the results you want, you have to make him feel as if it was his idea.


Chapter excerpt ~ How to Get the Man You Want to Marry You, taken from ~ I Need Therapy
Copyright © 2006 Glenda A. Wallace


JayBaby1 said...

Thank Ms G,
You offer the most insightful blogs.

Glenda Wallace said...

Thanks for reading Jaminthia!

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