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Fake A$$ Relationships!

Fake a$$ Relationships...

What does it mean to be in a real relationship anyway? Many people like to be able to say that they are in a relationship, but they don't fully understand that being in a relationship includes someone else other than self. What happened to the day of a man having his woman's back just as she has his? (And vice versa)

It seems that the first time one party does something that displeases the other party; somebody's ready to bail . . . giving and taking their shit back.

And what about love? People use the word too casually when they may not fully understand the concept of love and what it means to love someone. Sure it sounds good to say to someone 'I love you', but what about meaning it?

I have a problem with people (men) messing up and then saying "I'm sorry" as if saying those words makes the situation okay. Sure it might work the first couple of times, but when you continue the same behavior, at some point, I'm going to get tired of hearing "I'm sorry" because it loses its effectiveness.

I decided to address this issue because of the many emails that I receive every day from men and women who have the most insignificant problems within their relationship, yet for some couples, the insignificant things are causing the most problems within the relationship. READ MORE...

Most people will tell you that those problems can be avoided by effectively communicating to your partner what your needs are, but what about when he or she doesn't listen? Or they are so caught up in their own world, they can't hear you? How do you handle the situation when the one you love won't listen?

I have addressed so many blogs about the causes of cheating in relationships and I fully understand why most people choose to cheat. Although I've never done it, it has crossed my mind many times. When a woman feels that she's not valued it is easy for her to find someone else to give the affection, attention and sexual satisfaction that she may be missing in her relationship. She may continue to stay with her man because she loves him and hope that he will eventually get it together and make the necessary changes needed to improve their relationship.

You see, I have never felt compelled to wait on anyone to change. I know that when a person is set in their ways, change rarely ever occurs. So rather than cheat, I end the relationship.

Successful relationships require work from both individuals involved. If one party is working toward a successful relationship and the other just doesn't care, the relationship is destined to fail.

A few days ago, a girlfriend asked me "Why should I have to make my relationship work? I don't want to make it work. It should just work!"

Awhile back, a male friend said to me "I don't feel my woman appreciates me, when I get home she doesn't give me the proper greeting that I expect. Yesterday I walked in as she was vacuuming the floor, she came so close that the vacuum actually hit my shoe, but instead of reaching over and giving me a kiss as I came through the door, she finished the entire room before she even looked up and acknowledged that I was there. Where is the love in that? How can I feel appreciated?"

I hear these type comments all day, every day. I guess people tell me their problems and ask for my opinion based on my writing. But most people don't understand that I'm human too and I have my own problems with relationships. Just because someone talks about relationship problems or writes about it, doesn't exempt them from having problems in their relationship. Do you think Dr. Phil doesn't have problems with his relationship/marriage?

Just to show you what I mean, a few years ago I got into a conversation with a guest playing at my blackjack table. He was an extremely attractive Caucasian male, in his late forties, maybe early fifties, everything about him was attractive; his manner of speaking, his gestures . . . he naturally exuded sexiness. Anyway, as we began talking, he told me that he was a psychologist who practiced family psychotherapy in Miami. I told him that I thought what he did for a living was so cool. Then he said "yeah, well try telling people that you counsel about their relationships that your wife just left you for another man." (Wow!)

All that to say this, I don't think some people will ever truly understand what makes relationships work. And even if you do recognize and understand what it takes to make a relationship work, doesn't necessarily mean that you will find that mate who is willing to work with you. However, there are many couples out there who are in relationships that work.

So I'm asking you to share your ideas about what it takes to make a relationship work/last.

Here are my ideas!

1.) Common interests. (Something other than sex)

2.) Can you relate/communicate with each other outside of the bedroom?

3.) Having similar beliefs and values.

4.) Trust (Can you trust that individual not to hurt you? Physically, verbally and/or emotionally)

5.) Loyalty

6.) Similar lifestyles

7.) Spiritual background

8.) A willingness to accept your partner unconditionally (flaws and all)

9.) Sense of humor (being able to laugh together)

For more interesting relationship topics please visit "The G-Spot!"


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this Ms G.

Great Blog!

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