A friend sent this message to my inbox a few days ago.
girl i just want to know why do men get right up after cumming . Okay, I'm like, what about me? I mean this has been going on for a while...he better get his act together or I will need therapy .
Girl, you are so crazy! Okay, for real...what's going on?
Most of the time, it seems that some men only think about themselves when it comes to sex. Initially when he's trying to get you, his main focus is in pleasing you, but after you've been together for awhile it seems that he only thinks of himself. Most women enjoy the snuggling and cuddling after sex, most men would rather fall asleep!
So what's going on with you two? What do you mean when you say he gets right up after cumming?
It seems like every time he's finish cumming its over. I don't care how long it takes, it doesn't matter that I haven't gotten mines, it's like what about me and my orgasm? This has being going on for years. I just can't keep doing this.
They say that when a man ejaculates it takes his energy and he's tired. But girl if he keeps on doing this I don't know what I'm going to do. I think this is why so many women are lesbians. READ MORE...
Wow...Have you talked to him about it? And what does he say?
same o same o
Without knowing all the details, at this point I would suggest communicating to him exactly how you feel and why you feel as you do.
Hopefully, verbally expressing your needs to him will encourage him to take note and be more considerate to your needs!
I hope everything works out for you!
At some point during a relationship, many couples experience problems with sexual intimacy. I addressed a similar issue in my blog (To Viagra or NOT To Viagra) a few months ago.Most women enjoy sex and view sexual intimacy as an extremely important part of a relationship.
Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to know what you think! And men, feel free to answer this young ladies question.
How would you suggest this young lady handle her problem?
Do you feel that lesbianism stems from a woman's lack of sexual satisfaction from a man?
UPDATE**** I originally posted this blog on MySpace and got many interesting answers. Here are just a few...
*) What's up G!! Homosexuality is not a perfect design. It is a good thing gone bad. For males and females alike. I believe that men should have been taught by their mothers and aunts on this subject. On what women need and want from a man. Instead of leaving us guessing, and trying to figure it out. However, there are some who do know, and are willing to let you get yours first, and then we will proceed to our climax. There are some who care about the happiness of others.(posted by Terrence)
*) sexual dissatisfaction has nothing to do with a woman’s sexual orientation. It may be frustrating to her but that is about it. (posted by Shani) *) MY EX HUSBAND WAS LIKE THIS HE WOULD CUM AND I WAS LEFT LIKE WHAT ABOUT ME. I WOULD GO IN THE BATHROOM AND DO IT MYSELF. I DON'T THINK IT'S THE REASON TO BECOME A LESBIAN. THATS A PERSONAL CHOICE.GREAT BLOG (posted by Brenda)
*) I think there would be a would between lack of satisfaction with a man to trying to find it with a woman but then again I also think very much that attraction is a major thing. If this young lady feels some attraction for other women then by all means, experiment- you're still young, however if you're not attracted to women, talk to your man or find a new one! And honey you're not alone! Alot alot of men (and I mean alooot) are quite selfish in bed and honestly I either address the situation or leave before it becomes an issue. If your lover cannot satisfy your needs and you feel this hurt by it all, you definately need to speak up and take a stand. All the best =] (posted by MissIntegrityNil)
*) Hey Glenda! I know I'm late, but I always am..lol! I actually know 2 women that were with men, but because of how they were treated by them (their words), they decided enough was enough and decided to deal with women exclusively. I don't know if they were bi beforehand.
I think if a man truly led a woman to another woman there were more issues than just bad sex. We all have had bad sex, but eventually if you're lucky, u find someone to satisfy u.
Bad sex has never made me want to go be with a woman. She needs to be direct and tell him straight out that him cumming and rollin over going to sleep is for the birds and he needs to get it together.
I would think that he would feel really stupid the next time they had sex if he didn't accomplish bringing her to the big O, if he cares at all. For your friend's sake, I truly hope she gets hers soon. Nothing worse than pent up Os.:) (posted by Candy Cane)
To view these interesting responses and more like it please go to www.myspace.com/glendawallace
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Does Lesbianism Stem From A Woman's Lack of Sexual Satisfaction From A Man?
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Glenda Wallace
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