A few weeks ago, I decided to unveil my upcoming book “How to Get Him to Put That Ring on Your Finger in 365 Days Or Less!” which will be released in a few weeks.
I am so excited by the interest that this book is generating. I receive emails daily, from women readers asking “When is it coming out?” or “How can I get an advanced copy?” One lady even said she would gladly pay for a copy of my manuscript because she needs help NOW! (lol)
Every woman has a uniqueness that’s all her own. In this book, I teach you how to use your God given ability to get that special man to put that ring on your finger in 365 days or less.
This book was inspired by you, my readers who sent countless emails and letters asking for advice on how to convince your man to commit to marriage. And before you start thinking that this book is all about sex, it’s not. A smart woman knows that sex alone will not make a man want to marry you. I don’t care how good it is. (lol)
Most any woman can find a man who’ll have sex with her, but the real test is, will he marry you? After applying the principles in my book, he will!
But don’t take my word for it . . . READ MORE...
"A few years ago, I was having problems with my boyfriend. He was giving me the hot and cold treatment. One day he was into me, (literally) then I wouldn’t hear from him for weeks. I decided to move to the coast to get away from him and see if it would make him recognize his true feelings for me. I thought it was working because he would call me and ask me to come see him on my days off. I was weak for him, so I had no problem making the 3 ½ hour drive back home just to be with him. But when I got there he’d tell me that we would have to get together later because he’d already made other plans with his buddies. I would spend the remainder of my weekend with my folks.
Glenda and I worked together, and I told her about my problems after one of my disappointing visits. She told me exactly what to do, and how to do it. I was prepared to write my boyfriend off because I was so sure her advice was never going to have any effect on him. However, within the next three weeks he was making the 3 ½ hour drive to come see me. We celebrated our one year wedding anniversary this past February!
Glenda knows what she’s talking about" . . . Danielle
When I gave Danielle this advice three years ago, I had yet to begin writing my book. I spoke what I knew and practiced every day in my own relationships. I didn’t give her any crazy ideas or complicated theories.
Danielle is just one of many women who have experienced success in getting her man to put that ring on her finger, by learning what works. My principles will work for any woman. Even YOU!
Thanks Danielle!
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