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Do Women "Train" Men to Lie?

Recently I've had some deep conversations with a male friend. It seems that some men have the belief that women TRAIN their men to lie. I was also informed by a man that ALL men LIE!

My friend explained what he meant by women train men to lie. He said a woman may ask her man's opinion on how she looks in a new dress and he might say "Honey, I don't really like that dress on you." Now she's upset by the comment but doesn't verbalize it.

Later that night while in bed he reaches over and attempts to have sex with her. She is still upset about his earlier remark about the dress, so she turns her back to him indicating she doesn't want to be touched.

One week later she gets a new hair style and asks her man what he thinks. Her man remembering the last time he was denied sex for giving his honest opinion, comments that he likes her new hair style, whether he does or not!...READ MORE...

ALL MEN LIE!!!....

I don't know why I'm finding this piece of information so hard to believe since the majority of my life, this has been my problem with men. It seems that when men meet me, they feel they need to lie. Either to make themselves appear more than what they are, or they feel the need to try and impress me.

Now granted, I am a very down to earth woman. I'm a 'what you see, is what you get' type of girl. I do not lie under any circumstance. My motto is: "you may not like what I say but I will always tell you the truth." I believe in letting a man make up his own mind about whether or not he wants to be with me. For some reason men have a problem reciprocating this.

Awhile ago another male friend told me that if men didn't lie they would never get with a "woman like me." Now I had to know what the hell did he mean by "a woman like me?"... He said, "Look at you, you own your own home, you drive a top of the line vehicle, you're accomplished, you're making your own money, you're intelligent and you don't have any KIDS. To top that off you're fine as hell!"

I had to think about that for a minute, now I don't by any means consider myself to be a great beauty, but do I carry myself in any way that makes a man believe he has to lie in order to get to know me?

Do I give off any vibes that makes him think I would be anything other than genuine with him because of the person he's presenting himself to be?

No! I am the same with every man I initially meet, it doesn't matter if he is driving a Benz or riding a bike. Sure like most women I have my own list of standards,but they're not superficial standards i.e., he must be good-looking, he must be at least six feet tall etc. These things don't matter to me. It’s more important where he is mentally and the directions he chooses in life.

I don't feel that women should have this right taken from us because a man chose to lie and misrepresent himself, in order to "get with us."

In my experiences, I have found that SOME men lie about such insignificant things.

Take for example my third ex-husband. When we met he told me that he had been divorced from his first wife for 15 years...however after being engaged for four month, one week before our impending wedding ceremony he sits me down and tells me we need to push the wedding back because he is still married to his first wife and the divorce won't be final for another three weeks. AAAUGH!!!(Not giving up the detail they're in my next book "Through the Eyes of a Woman." But the point is this was a lie he didn't have to tell. Had he only been honest in the beginning, it wouldn't have changed the outcome of the situation.

I find this information a bit disheartening, which is probably the reason I've been single for the past 2 years. I refuse to compromise my standards because I know that I will eventually find that man who won't find it necessary to lie and deceive to get to where he wants to be. I try to give every man the benefit of the doubt because I'd like to think that there is some good in everyone.

Men let me hear from you honestly,

1.) Have you ever lied to get to where you want to be with a woman?

2.) Would you tell a lie to save your current relationship?

3.) Do you feel women train their men to lie?

Ladies, what's your take on the situation, Could you...

1.) Remain in a relationship with a man who has lied to you?

2.) Do you feel that you train your man to lie?

3.) Are women not doing their part by raising their sons to be irresponsible?

*REPOST* (originally posted 06/2008)


baili said...

great writing dear ,but to me if a man tell his wife that she is looking nice in this dress, it would not be a lie it will be a expression of love cause if he loves his wife she looks amazing in every dress but if he does not then does not make any difference ,take care

Glenda Wallace said...

Thanks Baili!

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