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Reasons Why Your "First" Date Should Never Take Place at Your Home or His!

* Don't let your first date with a man take place at your home or his!

Do not allow yourself to be enticed with the invitation of a home cooked dinner prepared by him. Yeah, I know it sounds inviting, but if he cannot take you out then pass on seeing him altogether.

Men tend to think of the first date as being expensive; he already knows that you expect him to impress you so he knows he will have to spend some money. However, since he doesn’t know if you are worth it he may opt for an at home movie night and takeout pizza, which will give him an opportunity to feel you out without making a dent in his wallet.

Chances are if you allow him into your home before he ever takes you out, you run the risk of falling into a sexual relationship sooner than you intended. This situation is a no-no for many reasons. You are already sexually attracted to each other and under the right circumstances it is bound to get physical. It might start out simple; kissing, touching, a caress here and there and then one thing leads to another then before you know it … sex happens! Ladies! Do not put yourself in a situation that you may not be ready for.

Ok, now let’s just say that it happened. You got caught up in the moment and ended up sleeping with him sooner than you planned. It’s okay, don’t freak out. Whatever you do, do not turn into an after-sex stalker. An after-sex stalker tries to overcompensate for allowing sex too soon by constantly ringing his phone off the hook, texting every few minutes, wanting to know when the two of you will be getting together again. READ MORE...

Ladies, the best thing you can do in this situation is to back the hell off! Give him some time to absorb what has happened. At this point the only thing you can really do is to let him make up his mind if he wants to pursue a relationship with you. Women immediately equate sex with love. After sex you immediately expect a man to want a relationship. Keep in mind, men do not think this way.

So let’s say that the damage has been done. Now let’s address some ways that we can fix this situation. If the man of your interest calls you within a couple of days, it’s all good. You can still turn this negative experience into a positive one, but for the sake of argument let’s just say he calls but instead of asking you out, he wants to get together again for sex. This is your opportunity to tell him that although you enjoyed sex with him you are not looking for a casual sex partner and it seems that the “relationship” is starting to be just about sex and you want more than that from him. You just placed the ball in his court. He knows that he cannot have a strictly sexual relationship with you so now he has to make a decision.

Don’t be disappointed if the decision he makes is not the one you want. There is always the possibility that he won’t make any other attempts to call or see you again. Men are funny like that and he could be thinking any number of things. As I said earlier, maybe he feels that he does not have to have a relationship with you now because he’s already had the sex. Who knows what could be on his mind. Whatever happens from this point on you have to be okay with it. Use it as a learning experience. Do not make the same mistake in your future relationships.

Remember: There is nothing wrong with playing yourself as long as you learn something from it.

Excerpts taken from "How to Get Him to Put That Ring on Your Finger in 365 Days or Less!" Order your copy today at Pink Kiss Publishing Online Bookstore


Tiffany said...

Yeah when I get asked what do I want to do, I always give them specifics so that the whole let's have dinner at my spot doesn't come up.


Wilmaryad said...

This is sound advice, Glenda. Thanks to you, I learned that some of us, even me in the past, turn into an after-sex stalkers, which does nothing but scare the guy away.

Thank you for walking us through what to do in a simple, yet meaningful, manner. :)

Great blog!

Glenda Wallace said...

Great idea, Tiffany!
Thanks Wilmaryad!

The Relationship Company said...

My pleasure to come across your blog and read it, keep posting.

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