Okay ladies, we have established how men feel about sex. Sex is one of a man’s basic needs. Sometimes, their minds are constantly preoccupied with thoughts about sex throughout a day. It doesn’t matter what his day consists of, sex is never far from his mind. He can have a big project due at work, yet he will still find time to think of sex.
I have never met a man who has refused or had no interest in sex, but on the flip side of that, it is important to recognize that sex alone will not get him to put that ring on your finger. I don't care how good it is.
One important thing to remember when it comes to sex is that you are in control. A man can only connect with you sexually if you allow him to. Women will always have that power over a man. Unfortunately, some women abuse that power. Some women use sex as a bargaining tool. It is a big taboo that men feel that women give it up initially to get him, but as the relationship progresses, men claim that women tend to withhold sex or ration sexual favors in order to get what she wants. READ MORE...
Ladies, we need intimacy, men need sex! Withholding sex from your man is like giving him a license to cheat. Most men have admitted to me that they cheat because of a lack of passion in their relationship. Lackluster sex is simply not enough. A man wants passion, he wants to feel wanted. I’m not talking about just going to bed and letting him have his way with you. No man wants a woman who just lies there. This behavior will make him feel that you don’t desire him.
Never make your man feel that you do not desire sex with him and never under any circumstance, say to a man “Hurry up and get it over with!” I don’t care how tired you are, or how early you may have to get up the next morning. No matter how you say these words to a man they are going to hurt. All he hears is that you don’t desire him and for you, making love to him is not pleasurable. He may even feel that you don’t find him physically appealing anymore. In any case, these are words that should never be spoken to a man you love.
It is understandable that sometimes you’re tired. Life itself is exhausting. You have worked all day, now you have to go home and take care of the kids. By the time dinner is prepared, homework is done, and all the kids are finally in bed, now he wants some of your time and you feel like you have absolutely nothing left to give. I do understand when women tell me this.
One of my readers, who is now a very good friend, contacted me via MySpace wanting to know how was it possible to balance an active sex life while working full time and taking care of five kids. Well, I don’t have any children, but I do work two jobs and still have to find time to run my business, but you know what, I have a wonderful man and although I have a full plate it is not fair to him for me to force him to take a backseat to everything else in my life when he is so good to me. So I’ll share my secret with you.
When I’m really tired and know my man wants intimacy, I never neglect him. I will throw on my sexiest lingerie, strap on some killer stilettos and enter the bedroom ready for action. I may whisper in his ear, “Baby I’m tired but I want you so bad. I really need to feel you inside me. Let’s have a quickie tonight.”
This always works, and talking dirty to your man further enhances his stimulation and makes him even more eager. You are encouraging him not to hold back. By telling him you want a quickie, it releases him from the obligation of trying to hold out until you get yours. As a result everyone is satisfied, you can get some sleep and so will he...with a smile on his face!
Excerpts taken from How to Get Him to Put That Ring on Your Finger in 365 Days or Less! Copyright (c) 2009 by Pink Kiss Publishing Company and Glenda A. Wallace. To order your copy please visit Pink Kiss Publishing Online Bookstore also available from your favorite book retailer.
Let's Talk About Sex!
Posted by
Glenda Wallace
dress for sex,
relationship advice,
sex as a bargaining tool,
talk dirty in bed

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Really like this blog!! And this post had me LOL!! Great work!
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