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When Should Someone Disclose that they have Served Time in Prison?

Recently I had a conversation with a man who confessed that he was having problems establishing relationships with women because when he tells them that he has served 20 years in prison, they immediately want nothing else to do with him. Not even conversation!

So he asked me if he should wait until the relationship becomes more serious before disclosing this piece of information.

Now, I definitely disagree with his way of thinking. First of all, I've been in this situation on several occasions. No, I've never dated a convicted felon, but I've known men who have misrepresent themselves at the beginning of the relationship, then later, as the relationship or marriage progressed the truth came out. Many women can relate to the disappointment of discovering that her partner has intentionally withheld important information from her.

I'm not being judgmental when I speak about convicted felons; people make bad decisions every day. It is understood by most, that after serving time, you are considered to have "paid your debt to society", but there is something wrong if you're not being upfront and totally honest with someone you are pursuing a relationship with. Read More...

Intentionally withholding information such as this from someone you are trying to develop a relationship with is deceptive. Yet it is so hard for some men to understand that they don't gain anything by it, and when the truth is finally revealed he's going to have one pissed off woman on his hands.

In this man’s case it is detrimental that he discloses his circumstance early on, being that he is now a registered sex offender. What was his crime? Assault with intent to rape!

Now ladies when would you want a man to disclose this information to you?

Guys, we want to hear from you too, what do you think? It could just as easily happen to you too!

**Repost** Blog originally posted on MySpace


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